< th0m> everytime I close xine my kde gets raped
< echelon_> don't use it?
-!- th0m [n=ipherca@71-81-234-235.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has quit
[Client Quit]
< echelon_> guess he didn't like my answer
< rworkman> Imagine how kde feels.
<lotec> LinuxyErin: http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/964/
<LinuxyErin> hmm thanks
<lotec> LinuxyErin: know how i found that?
<lotec> www.google.com
<LinuxyErin> what did you type in
<LinuxyErin> cuz whatever i typed in was wrong apparently
<lotec> xfce themes
<lotec> 8th one down
<nullboy> haha
<PredaKing> caramelcoated is gay
<lotec> just his boyfriend
jkwood sneaks out the side door
<caramelcoated> im not gay.
<lotec> see i told yea
<Soul_keeper> lol
<p1ngp0ng> LEAVE caramelcoated ALONE! LEAVE HIM ALONE!! IM SERIOUS!
< p1ngp0ng> i predict in the near future that caramelcoated will be running arround stuffing his face eating viagra and sugar
< jkwood> Did I mention that straterra is currently the undisputed top dog
in noobfarm quotes?
< caramelcoated> dude i hated straterra
< lotec> #65 for Straterra
< caramelcoated> it had a nasty ass comedown
< caramelcoated> basically all it did was make you so fucking hyper that you
became calm
< caramelcoated> and then you came off the drug... and it was like
< jkwood> *headdesk*
< p1ngp0ng> my doctor wanted me to try stattera. i turned it down after she
said it _might_ cause impotense
< p1ngp0ng> she might as well have given me a gun
< lotec> p1ngp0ng like you use it anyway
< Soul_keeper> lol
< p1ngp0ng> well, not so much now after she got pregnant :p
< caramelcoated> wait wait strattera is can cause impotency?
< caramelcoated> FUCK
< Soul_keeper> atleast you don't have herpes ... the herpes drug commercials claim like 1 in 8 people got that
< Soul_keeper> mighta been 1 in 4 ...
< jkwood> Depends on how many people see the herpes drug commercial, I guess.
< thrice`> w00t
< thrice`> someone just ditched a couch on our apartment floor
< CaptObviousman> heh
< jkwood> How did they get the couch in your apartment?
< CaptObviousman> has it been peed on?
< CaptObviousman> do a smell test first
< jkwood> You just let people wander in carrying couches?
-!- ThomasY [n=straterr@ipv6.irc.fuhell.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
< straterra> Bye shell
< thrice`> pwned
< lotec> carmelcoated: wtf are you from?
< caramelcoated> wtf am i from
< caramelcoated> ?
< lotec> where the fuck
< caramelcoated> oh cali
< lotec> lead paint on the walls still?
< caramelcoated> what?
< Soul_keeper> the government said there are still over 40 million US homes with lead paint in them
< lotec> and caramelcoated is eating 1 house at a time
< nullboy> hey so what is the actual difference between ubuntu server and desktop editions?
< nullboy> i keep seeing those 2 versions
< ThomasY> dunno
< fred> Mark Shuttleworth jizzed over one of them.