< twolf> grilled cheese.
< nix_chix0r> yeah man
< caramelcoated> toasted bagel with cream cheese and jammmm
< caramelcoated> mmmmm
< edman007> twolf, i have had enough grilled cheese in the last month, i
don't need any more
< nix_chix0r> i has no cheese though
< nix_chix0r> well brie but i dont wana make grilled cheese with that
< caramelcoated> ramen is also tasty
< twolf> I got some meunster
< nix_chix0r> yummeh my favorite cheezzz
< caramelcoated> ugh, i cant eat brie any more. i once had triple cream
brie and i used to be moderately lactose intolerant
< caramelcoated> i was shootin out both ends
< edman007> nix_chix0r, do you have stores around where you live? they
usually sell stuff like cheese
< nix_chix0r> i'm starting to react to milk
< caramelcoated> it sucked too. i went into the bathroom expecting
diarreah, threw up cleaned it up and showered and
crapped my towel
< twolf> I can't deal with the brie cheese, something wrong with that
< caramelcoated> SUCKED
< nix_chix0r> unless it's organic
< nix_chix0r> rice milk is just nasty
< nix_chix0r> so its soy
< twolf> soy milk is pretty good
< nix_chix0r> i like it on my wheaties
< nix_chix0r> vanilla kind
< edman007> soy milk sucks
< edman007> and its soy juice, why do they call it milk? milk is the
fluid that comes out of boobies, soy does not have boobies
< edman007> caramelcoated, is it like milking a bull?
< twolf> less violent than bull milking
< caramelcoated> wtf dude. i dunno what part of a bull that you're
milking, but i think i might have an idea. and i dont
like the IDEA.
< twolf> lmao
< edman007> caramelcoated, you know they squeeze oranges, and they call
that orange juice
< caramelcoated> bull juice...
< edman007> caramelcoated, lol
< caramelcoated> oh good god. if i EVER see bull juice at my local vons,
i am going to KILL you edman007.
< edman007> hahahahahha