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Added: 2008-04-22

<Mathman> odd question, but anyone have any advice on how to get a whole lot of spam? preferably not porno spam, just run of the mill viagra and whatnot.

Added: 2008-04-22

< Darren> plush Cthulhu now that is evil, invade the minds of children,
so they know thier true master before they know anything else
<@Talien> I already bought him baby's first Cthulhu.
* Torso still wants the Summer Fun Cthulu
<@Talien> and some other cheapo alphabet cthulhu book.
<@Talien> which is fun to buy, not so fun to read.
< Torso> Baby's First Mythos?
* Torso knows the guy who wrote that
<@Talien> N is for...Nyarla...Nyar-LA-Tho...for some evil guy.

Added: 2008-04-22

Me: headdesk?
Seth: something like that..
Seth: lost in logic
Me: if(pie.type == pie.Types(apple)) {; }

Added: 2008-04-22

< caramel> ok so dont ever tell me this is a suport channel again
< edman007> caramel, when i did it i just built from git
< ThomasY> caramel: this is a support channel
< ThomasY> caramel: It's not our fault you lack clue and the ability to
follow basic instructions
< caramel> its not, because nobody's helping, they're insulting me and
telling me not to do what causes the problem
< gummo_x> Sounds like good advice to me.

Added: 2008-04-21

* andarius now has an image of BP{k} chomping after kethry trying to get away on the bed :o
< ThomasY> andarius: I had a vision of pacman
< ThomasY> BP's face on pac man and keths face on a ghost
< andarius> exactly
< ThomasY> On a big grid
< andarius> only no pac man faces :o
* BP{k} chomps kethry
< ThomasY> zomg
< kethry> wibblewobblewibblewobble*turns blue and runs back to home*
* andarius hopes she gets regenerated
< ThomasY> ahahahahaha
< BP{k}> *bleepbleepbleepbleep* nomnomnomnomnomnomnom
< andarius> run kethry run !!
< kethry> wibblewobblewibblewobblewibblewobblewibblewobblewibblewobblewibblewobble
< ThomasY> omfg
< ThomasY> im dying
< BP{k}> *bleepbleepbleepbleep* nomnomnomnomnomnomnom
* BP{k} glomps kethry
< ThomasY> GET THE BANANA!!!
< BP{k}> zomg she's turning red again!!!!
< ThomasY> zomg
* BP{k} chomps on a cherry >:)
< BP{k}> LOL#
< ThomasY> Oh man..most fun I've had in a while
< kethry> ok.. enough
< kethry> cos my jaw hurts
< ThomasY> And given how often I masturbate..thats saying something
< kethry> and tears are pouring down my face
* andarius offers a tissue
< ThomasY> kethry: Well..if you caught BP wouldn't be crying!
< kethry> thankyou, andarius
< kethry> wibblewobblewibblewobblewibblewobblewibblewobblewibblewobblewibblewobble

Added: 2008-04-21

<echelon_> hey! this is completely out of context..

Added: 2008-04-21

<Codi> Windows is unprotected sex. Linux is using a condom, the
pill, a vasectomy, and the Berlin wall.

Added: 2008-04-21

< echelon_> i can't get it up

Added: 2008-04-20

< xiown> is anyone familiar with squid? cuz i installed it on 1 linode, and i can browse with the proxy fine, but if i use utorrent it doesnt use the proxy, how come?

Added: 2008-04-20

< fred>
<@Chuckbot> Title: BBC NEWS | Health | Masturbation 'cuts cancer risk' (at
< andarius> stand by while i go prevent cancer ...

There are 2270 quotes.