< andarius> i love linux, 1 problem... infinite solutions :)
< thrice`> lol
< drijen|laptop> andarius: thats also maddening :p
< andarius> never
< andarius> cause they are all right :)
< drijen|laptop> point
< thrice`> no, mine failed
< andarius> if it failed it was not a solution :P
< drijen|laptop> andarius: every distro has its own solutions for its own wierdo ways
< drijen|laptop> except slack
< drijen|laptop> slack is normal!
< thrice`> no, we have bash
< jkwood> Must... install... Ubuntu...
< nullboy> wtf
< jkwood> Agree to meet, then set them on fire.
< jkwood> I'll help.
< nullboy> andarius will flim
< nullboy> dilm
< nullboy> Afkj;jkgjkl;rkjerhk'erhl
< thrice`> fred: do you have playlist retention working?
< fred> No.
< fred> I do have anal retention working though.
mail:/var/spool/postfix/defer# grep slack */*
-su: /bin/grep: Argument list too long
< poltrojan> are u a guy or gurl?
<@Beeotch> im a gay
< poltrojan> tran?
<@Beeotch> yup
< poltrojan> ok
< poltrojan> the beauty of internet is that you can be lied to and still get fucked
( masterx) fuck i'm so freaking dumb
( masterx) i gotta think more
( masterx) and stop bothering you guys
( masterx) sorr for my noobish
YammYgirlcoding> to work with the router the network cable must be equal on both sides, right?
< lotec> ALan_Hicks: no reason to get so defensive :D like i said just a story i heard on the Cummins forum i go on
< Alan_Hicks> lotec: First of all... the vast majority of people on the Internet are complete idiots.
< Alan_Hicks> And on those forums, the more some one posts about how much they know, the bigger the idiot they are.
< LnxSlck_> i'm trying to telnet my router.. but it says connection refused
< LnxSlck_> can someone help me on this?
<Alan_Hicks> router is what?
< LnxSlck_> Alan_Hicks, you mean wich model?
< Alan_Hicks> I mean what exactly is the router.
< LnxSlck_> the router is the device that provides me internet access
< Alan_Hicks> Hell for all I know you could be attempting to telnet a rotating cutting tool for woodwork.
< LnxSlck_> like a switch
< LnxSlck_> or hub
< Alan_Hicks> You're not helping...
< LnxSlck_> ??
< Alan_Hicks> Is it a Linux box? Is it a Linksys WRT54G? Is it a Cisco PIX? Is it a Windows box running ICS? Is it a BSD box?
< LnxSlck_> oh
< Alan_Hicks> What *IS* it?
< Alan_Hicks> Is it a power tool you bought at Lowes?
< LnxSlck_> slackware, trying to telnet a belkin f5d7632-4 router
< nooper> one of these days alan's just going to /ban the whole channel