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Added: 2011-04-25

-!- aj00200 [aj00200_fo@FOSSnet/developer/] has quit [Quit: Client has been disconnected by the FBI]
< kudu> very funny, aj00200

Added: 2011-04-25

< nenolod> freenode and quakenet should merge
< jayne> why?
< nenolod> that was not a serious suggestion!
< jayne> but we'd be the biggest then!
< ninjaneo> lol
< jayne> richih would approve, I'm sure

Added: 2011-04-23

<@CaptainTrek> bikcmp: is operserv misbehaving today
<@CaptainTrek> :P
<@bikcmp> there's an operserv?
<@bikcmp> hint: users shouldn't know about that

Added: 2011-04-19

< notKlaatu> anybody ever bonded interfaces together?
< notKlaatu> i mean anybody in here.
< pegwole> I have, but I had to take medication for
something I caught afterwards.

Added: 2011-04-16

<+raket> is it possible to do NAT with ssh so it listen on eth0 as well as
<+raket> eg ssh -L 25:localhost:25 server
<+antiwire> raket: by default, sshd listens on
<+antiwire> aka: any interface
<+antiwire> if you have a router that is forwarding port to internal systems, forward your ssh port through the router to your internal ssh server's LAN IP
<+antiwire> if the system running sshd is also your router you just need to make sure you have allowed access to the sshd port in iptables
<+raela> oh baby, keep the nerdy talk going, I'm getting turned on
* raela moans
<+antiwire> lol
<+antiwire> raela: don't make me probe your ports.
<+serotonin> [ in bed ]
<+raela> oh god! mount my network drive now! I can't take it any longer
<+raela> !
<+antiwire> OMG OMG I'm in promiscuous mode!
<+antiwire> RAW packet injections
<+antiwire> :D
<+Roin> dont make jokes about that in 5 years it will be normal to say things like that o_O
<+antiwire> hahaha
* serotonin considers noobfarm
<+raela> I don't know enough network terminology to be really raunchy
<+hitest> oh baby
<+pupit> i would add this to topic.
<+Roin> lol
<+hitest> hehe

Added: 2011-04-15

<dafydd> eviljames - Apple is like Unix as McDonalds is like food

Added: 2011-04-12

< jeev> logmein sucks
< thrice`> know what(who) else sucks?
< jeev> your sister?
< thrice`> yeah :(
< jeev> i still wonder how you were named Bilbo and she was named LaShawnda
< jkwood> Equal opportunity child naming, naturally.
< jeev> eh, nowhere close to equal height distribution, thrice is 3'11'', his sister is 5'5''
< jkwood> Yes, but thrice` was born at full height for revenge.
< jeev> lol

jkwood: The anti-troll.

Added: 2011-04-09

< ybit> i'm not sure what the issue is with me logging in for pastebin
< ybit>
< ybit> so i went there
<@pparadis> ybit: did you read the message in the dialog box?
< ybit> yeah
<@pparadis> ybit: what did the message say?
< ybit> the server READ ME: user/pass is no/spam requires a username and password
<@pparadis> what did you enter?
< ybit> in the dialog box
< ybit> oh, my linode username/password
<@pparadis> why did you do that?
< ybit> because i figure that's what it wanted
<@pparadis> read what you just pasted.
< ybit> durka durka

Added: 2011-04-07

< nyRednek> i think i'm going to start making circular pocket slide rules
< Urchlay> does a circular slide rule even make sense? (would it function as a slide rule? I dunno how they work...)
< Urchlay> I mean, a square protractor wouldn't work
< alisonken1lap> yes - a circular slide rule works fine
< alisonken1lap> just a little interesting in the centerpiece work
< Urchlay> a combination circular saw and slide rule...
< Urchlay> or one of those shuriken throwing star thingies
< Urchlay> hm, you could major in electrical ninjaneering

Added: 2011-04-06

< Oak> \\o
< MLanden> o/ Oak
< hitest> greetings MLanden
< MLanden> salutations hitest
< hitest> :)
< Oak> hello MLanden. Hope you are well :)
< MLanden> Oak: in good spirits,thanks...yourself?
< shonudo> hey MLanden...
< shonudo> hello all
< Oak> yes, good :)
< MLanden> greetings,shonudo
< shonudo> hey
< shonudo> good morning Master-Passeli
< MLanden> Oak: good to hear
< mako-sama> ......
< mako-sama> it's sunny today

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