<@Kyle> Gryllida: He let go of that little secret when he was drunk lol
<@Kyle> Gryllida: The night we forced him to bed, heh
<@bikcmp> Kyle: you didn't
<@bikcmp> Kyle: at 4 am i went outside naked.
<@Kyle> LMAO
<@bikcmp> i have a court date.
<@Spitfire> Next he'll be saying he's got a mom.
<@bikcmp> ._.
<@Kyle> That;s quoted
<@Kyle> jesus christ
<@bikcmp> yeah.
<@bikcmp> :/
<@bikcmp> embarassing.
< CathyInBlue> rm -rf /bin/laden
paul424 : I need to turn large iso file into zip file. How to do that without actually compressing it ?
paul424 : hmm mv foo.iso foo.iso.zip does not work.
adrien : wut?
alienBOB : Creating a ZIP file without compressing it? How do you mean
paul424 : no compression, adding only zip header. so zip is valid.
adrien : but why?
adrien : what is the _end_ goal?
paul424 : my mother is terribly ill and need some ISO in zip format to get cured.
< zaltekk> trying to run punkbuster in Wine would be like trying to run Norton or McAfee in wine
< lxslack> clamav?
< lxslack> It could be used.
< zaltekk> ....you missed hte poin entirely
< lxslack> yes.
< lxslack> I am starting to think I have.
<Dirge1> posso ver quais configuraçoes foram usadas para sua compilaçao? .. ex. --prefix=..
<ananke> we're going to have gpfs on top of cxfs, also nfs/cifs, and dmf for hsm
<ananke> Dirge1: english :)
< canyouscore> I think I will follow UPGRADE.TXT and copy 13.37 from a iso disk, that has been verified
< gniks> IPSec and IKE are used to stop that
< Tadgy> gniks: I'd have to be pretty determined to insert myself into your gay pr0n to want to go that hassle :P
< gniks> Tadgy: you woudl
< canyouscore> woo I didn't mean to start flames
< Tadgy> gniks: And you'd love it :P
< Tadgy> canyouscore: You're not... gniks and I are just jesting with eachother :)]
< thumbs> tadgy is just an ass
< thumbs> !!
< Tadgy> I love you too baby.
<Cody> nothing they take 2 years to answer
<nobody> How long did you wait?
<Cody> 10 mins so far
-!- Amander [chris@android/Amander] has joined #help
< Amander> my cloak is all screwed up
<@bikcmp> 01:41:10 -!- Amander [chris@android/Amander] has joined #help
<@bikcmp> looks fine
< Amander> nah
< Amander> FOSSnet/Owner/Amander
<@bikcmp> not a chance (C)
< nyRednek> i figure that the time that slackware 13.37 is released, the /topic will change here
< nyRednek> it did when 13.1 was released
< nyRednek> and when 13.0 was released
< nyRednek> and 12.2, etc
< rob0> It's released!!
< rob0> whew, that feels better
< byteframe> no shit. it's like, pinch that turd.
< cheshire_fox> mbrochh: you're most likely to find diamond around 20 blocks above level 0 (the level before you hit the void)
< cheshire_fox> even then, its rare
< cheshire_fox> its as rare as me not using a tampoon
< cheshire_fox> tampon*