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Added: 2011-08-28

<ferdna> mancha, how do you listen to tty?
<ferdna> cat /dev/tty
<mancha> ferdna i have no idea what you're up to any more. i can no longer help.
<ferdna> mancha, lol... i just want to see my message from wall... and you say that i have to listen to tty

Added: 2011-08-24

nullvalue: i want to add connect to socks5 to my perl script
nullvalue: how may i do it
nullvalue: pls
alpha--: tried searching cpan?
yrg: IO::Socket::Socks ?
nullvalue: gotcha
StoneWork: Just don't use that with Appliance::Dryer
Gasseus: there's a module Appliance::Dryer?
StoneWork: Io::Socket::Socks objects tend to go missing
StoneWork: if you use them together
yrg: :)
StoneWork: usually only one half of the socket pair though
StoneWork: so it's hard to track down
Gasseus: LOL

Added: 2011-08-15

19:33:38 chupacabra | where do I get google chrome?
19:33:47 taleon |
19:33:54 chupacabra | lol ok.
19:33:58 chupacabra | tks

Added: 2011-08-15

questionsabout joined #ubuntu
<questionsabout> i like mint bbut i have got personally problems with his owner
<questionsabout> should i change it ?
<ultrixx> questionsabout: yes, change to windows

Added: 2011-08-13

« tools» I am having a problem with IRC - Can anyone see what I
« antiwire» tools: no, try reconnecting
««« tools! [quit] [Client Quit]
« antiwire» lmao
»»» tools!
« tools» Having a problem with IRC can anyone see what I write ?
« antiwire» tools: same deal, try once more.
« tools» I have just tried
« antiwire» just again
« antiwire» 1 more
« tools» Are u doing this for fun ?
« antiwire» :>
« tools» LULZ
««« tools! [part] []

Added: 2011-08-11

<+BP{k}> ./configure --with-mozzerella=yes --with-tomatoes=yes --with-herbes && make
pizza-all && make install DESTDIR=/dev/stomach
<+dive> noms
<+Olfway> heh
<+raela> mmm pizza
< Dominian> hrm can install directly to a dev like that BP{k}
< Dominian> mount -t stomachacid /dev/stomach /mnt/stomach
< Dominian> make install DESTDIR=/mnt/stomach
< Dominian> Just becareful when you 'unmount'..
< Dominian> that's usually when /dev/toilet comes int o play
<+dive> dd if=/mnt/lowerintestine of=/brighton/beach
<+BP{k}> Dominian: well you definately don't want to use umount -f

Added: 2011-08-08

<+aceofspades19> !urban cock mangler
<@SirBotsAlot> A person with a mouthful of braces attempting to have a mouthful of cock.
<+aceofspades19> ewww
<+antiwire> lol
<+sero> hahaha
<+Olfway> !urban black and decker pecker wrecker
<@SirBotsAlot> (n.) A black chick with braces.
<+sero> hahaha
<+antiwire> omfg
<+sero> lmao
<+Olfway> i almost threw up laughing

Added: 2011-08-07

<+raela> were you waiting for me to say something?
<+sero> yes, I'm evil like that
<+sero> I will wait for YEARS if necessary.
<+raela> damn
<+sero> and when you least expect it....I strike
<+antiwire> the waiting for years explains the blueballs

Added: 2011-08-05

<+BP{k}> Olfway_: this is the girl that finds you .. cute? ;)
* Olfway_ strangles BP{k}
<+kethry> Olfway_: if it makes you feel any better, i find BP{k} to be cute...
<+kethry> occasionaly anyway
-!- mode/##slackware-offtopic [+o BP{k}] by ChanServ
<+Olfway_> kethry: lol
-!- kethry was kicked from ##slackware-offtopic by BP{k} [go away]

Added: 2011-08-01

Tadgy: The problem with pr0n is that my imagination is far far more hard core than any pr0n i've seen. It just doesn't stack up...
Tadgy: (For example, i'm re-watching a Harry Plopper movie - the things I could do to Emma Watson with my wand... :)
Master-Passeli: please, no more details
evanton: screw harry plopper when you have klingons
Master-Passeli: hey please!

There are 2270 quotes.