<Milencho> can i remove with pkgtool old KDE 3.5*
<Milencho> and install the new?
<Fatb0y> yes you could you just have to build the new
<Milencho> where can i find 4.0 tgz packet?
* Marcus_ (n=Marcus@d90-128-61-126.cust.tele2.de) has joined ##slackware
<BP{k}> not anywhere afaik.
<Fatb0y> as stated, you have to build it yourself. i have not seen any .tgz's yet.
<spook> Milencho: be patient
<Milencho> good idea, i will wait a week ;]
<Milencho> or two
<Fatb0y> and if you do wait you can just do upgradepkg
<Fatb0y> or remove and installpkg whichever
<Milencho> i'm noob to install KDE if is not tgz packet
<Milencho> i will wait ;)
<BP{k}> Milencho: you do realize KDE 4.0.0 is not complete yet and may have serious bugs/uncomplete/unimplemented code ?
<Marcus_> but there are already some packages available by mytux
<Marcus_> http://slackdhabyx.wordpress.com/2008/01/13/kde-400-en-slackware-12/
<Marcus_> it installs to /opt
<BP{k}> Marcus_: you can't make packages of stuff that is not there. ie .. kdepim
<Marcus_> of course you can.
<Marcus_> you know svn?
<BP{k}> yes, in that way you can :P
<Fatb0y> Marcus_: that site is not in english or i don't see an en. i would just like to read what they did if anything important on there.
<BP{k}> I would like to see .SlackBuilds to be honest :)
<Marcus_> its your choice.
<Marcus_> perhaps i am going to set up an translated version of this site
<Milencho> i think the best choise is to waitin
<Milencho> slack 12.1 with kde 4.0
<Milencho> ;]]
<Marcus_> i am not sure if pv will already include it?
<BP{k}> I will be stunned and shocked if he did.
<ayaz> I will ditch slackware if he did.
<BP{k}> ayaz: I won't but I will drop KDE and go xfce
Logan: <so wants to order this Intel q600
Logan: q660
Logan: q6600 fucking bastard damnit!
drijen: l2tyoe!
drijen: oh fuck me.
< farabi> I got this error when running svn:
< farabi> svn: error while loading shared libraries: libsasl2.so.2:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<@fred> install sasl.
< farabi> thanks fred
< Hikaru> Please answer in the form of a question: hardest substance known to man.
< mwalling_> what is diamond?
< Hikaru> *bzzt* No. 'What is a lusers skull'
* LoganTheRed humps your leg
* straterra moans
< straterra> Haaarrrder
<etronik> Hi all! is there a channel for the DSL (Dmm Small Linux) distribution?
<etronik> I having trouble with booting it from SCSI hard disk
<RichiH> etronik: shockingly, it's called #damnsmalllinux
<etronik> RichiH: oops! tahnks, I tried searching but I must have mispelled it :-) thanks
<RichiH> np :)
<Turk-Admin> hi
<Turk-Admin> every budy
<Turk-Admin> im looking for a some one hoe cans help me about linux
< LoganTheRed> I'm in a meeting and someone's talking and I have to cut one. I thought it was going to be an SBD but instead it roars out of the gate, AND we're sitting in leather chairs
< LoganTheRed> sorry to be so completely off topic but damn that's one of those moments you feel to have to share
< dTd> I want a girl who can beat me to the center of a toosiepop, not in arm wrestling
< straterra> But..I'm in asshole mood today :)