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Added: 2008-01-21

< Alan_Hicks> And FWIW, AI flying (including take-off and landing) is a lot easier than you may think.
< Dagmar> Yeah, it's the making sense of 4,000 planes in the air at once, all going in different directions that gets ugly
< Alan_Hicks> True.
< Alan_Hicks> Wonder how well those Predator drones would work in a country filled with airplanes?
< Dagmar> Alan_Hicks: Considering they can shoot down data they don't like?

Added: 2008-01-20

< nullboy> is it safe to interrupt e2fsck -f ?
< CaptObviousman> would you interrupt your parents while they were fscking?

Added: 2008-01-19

< alan_hicks> I'm a bottom-up kind of person.

Added: 2008-01-19

< UFOzx> hi all
< straterra> hi
< UFOzx> how do you live
< straterra> i eat...drink..sleep
< UFOzx> are you from america :) ?
< straterra> have occassional sex
< straterra> yes..
< UFOzx> )) i'm too
< straterra> how do you live?
< UFOzx> but i'm from russia
< UFOzx> how life in america :) ?
* mwalling points out that this isn't AOL chatrooms....
< straterra> mwalling: asl?
< straterra> arent affiliated with chris hanson, are you?

Added: 2008-01-18

< thrice`> what does dagmar even do for a living?
< mwalling_> not sure
< mwalling_> but he works night shifts
< straterra> IRC server tester

Added: 2008-01-17

< JKWood> Have to walk carefully... don't want to get tubgirled.
< straterra> Speak for yourself

Added: 2008-01-15

( nullboy) i stay away from vista like it was ebola

Added: 2008-01-15

( DaSkreech) M.C. Escher
( DaSkreech) He's my favourite M.C.
( Qrawl_) the steps guy
( Qrawl_) didnt he work on the Windows registry

Added: 2008-01-13

< lamby> Gentoo, my dear boy, is simply an OS for child molesters.

Added: 2008-01-13

-!- eilart1 [n=matteo@] has joined #amarok
< eilart1> This feature is only available to subscribers
< eilart1> but i'm a lastfm subscriber
< eilart1> and username and password are correct, if i go in the site i login
< emunkki> what the heck are you talking about?
< eilart1> amarok
< hurra> 0o
< emunkki> uhm...
< fred> /o\\\\

There are 2270 quotes.