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Added: 2008-02-07

< fred> IA64 -> x86-64:
< fred> <intel> I made you a 64-bit processor
< fred> <amd> But I eated it.

Added: 2008-02-06

<fouroftwenty> lol, what is this samba?

Added: 2008-02-06

<sebbs> could someone help me?
<sebbs> my laptop does not turn on and i cannot figure out why

Added: 2008-02-05

< obelus> if lua is written in C, how can it support things that C does not, like closures, tail call eliminations, etc.?

Added: 2008-02-04

< patba1> i'm pretty sure this laptop will get me laid sooner or later

Added: 2008-02-03

< AbsTradELic> fred: sending by dcc
<@fred> That may be what you think, but my firewall disagrees.

Added: 2008-02-03

< Astiv> what's the future of asm?
< lleksah> lol
< lleksah> nice one
< lleksah> 8/10

Added: 2008-02-03

02:56 < exile777> yeah i ssh my moms ubuntu all the time
02:56 < exile777> even though its less than 10 feet from me
02:57 < macavity> MOM?!?.... now i know where i my taste for goat pron comes from... but i wish i didnt!! ;-)
02:57 < exile777> rofl

Added: 2008-02-03

<Tremido> I accidentally added a slash infront of root while editing the /etc/passwd file is there anyway to fix this now that I doesn't recognize a root account?

Added: 2008-02-03

< rg3_> denying a fresh installed slackware is not exactly a fully functional computer is pretty dumb by itself, in my humble opinion

There are 2270 quotes.