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Added: 2008-03-05

< kamaji> hmm, vlc's crashing when I start it up as anyone but root
< kamaji> what the tits.

Added: 2008-03-05

< wigglit> yeah, black people do ski, fyi

Added: 2008-03-05

< acidchild> andarius: go ahead
< acidchild> no nuts.

Added: 2008-03-05

< MidnightToker> that's it, i've lost my patience with this os
< MidnightToker> only workaround i'm doing is a reformat
< MidnightToker> bye bye linux
[*] MidnightToker [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<@alphageek> call the waaaaaaambulance!

Added: 2008-03-05

< Old_Fogie> gentoo is linux? I thought they were a doc writing project :D

Added: 2008-03-05

< BP{k}> hmm I wonder how much the french would like it if I stop and demand they surrender ...

Added: 2008-03-04

<acidchild> i only moved the wire a lil bit!

Added: 2008-03-04

<BillyCrook2> damnit, who tripped over the internet cord again!

Added: 2008-03-04

<`Abo> apache logs?
<mwalling> `Abo: no, the logs out of my ass...

Added: 2008-03-03

* Xafks has quit (Quit: unlike a smoker)

There are 2270 quotes.