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Added: 2007-12-12

<Brad> It's actaully /really/ easy when you learn how to use printf

Added: 2007-12-11

< mwalling> Invert314: ever done an interpreted language? or are you jumping right into the deepend with C/C++
< Invert314> i gave up on bash
< Invert314> it's too hard
< Invert314> i figure C will be easier
< Invert314> i gave up on PHP too
< Invert314> i got one of the SAMs teach yourself PHP in 24 hours
< Invert314> i copeid out examples for 200 pages
< Invert314> none of it made sense

Added: 2007-12-09

< alkos333> macavity: alt+ctrl+Fn? Dagmar said Ctrl+alt+Fn

Added: 2007-12-08

< macavity> there has been *several moments* today when i was *not* thinking of pron!

Added: 2007-12-08

<@caker> I like my kernels like I like my women
< guinea-pig> bloated and uncrackable?

Added: 2007-12-07

< briantumor> rh can suck my penis
< rickyricon_> There different tastes man, there like comparing a stake with a salas
< rickyricon_> salad
< Dominian> yeah.. a salad looks good.. but doesn't really fill you up.. but man a steak.. hell you work at it.. but you get a filling feeling when your done.. kind of like Slackware.
< rickyricon_> hahaha

Added: 2007-12-06

< fred> mwalling_: I've been using a nipple

Added: 2007-12-06

<qartis> there's mention of openchrome (with instructions), as well as some sundry hacks that you can try
<benjsh_> why is linux so complicated
<benjsh_> it is not made for users
* mwalling has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
* phao (n=pedro@ has left ##slackware
<qartis> I was never good at philosophy
<chris_punches> benjsh_, this is not a linux problem, this is a hardware manufacturing and hardware support problem. Via refuses to cooperate with the open source community in a way that efficient and usable drivers can be used in non-windows systems.
<chris_punches> Blame predatory contracting.
<chris_punches> As for philosophy, consider Sun Tzu or Thomas Hobbes.

Added: 2007-12-06

<Gargantua> pathetic
<pilate> Gargantua, why is that pathetic? One of the biggest problems is cross-platform incompatability. OSX natively running KDE is a big step.
<pilate> shows well for kde devs as well as osx devs
<Gargantua> that's just a theme man...
<pilate> oh
<Gargantua> ahahahaha
<pilate> hahaha
<pilate> omg
<pilate> pathetic.

Added: 2007-12-04

< unixfool> noobfarm!
< fuzzbawl> that's what she said

There are 2270 quotes.