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Added: 2019-04-17

< swaggboi> they pushed an update to my girlfriend's iphone... now instead of "4g" it says "5ge". I hope they downloaded more ram too
< Tadgy> Cool, now it'll be much quicker for her to send me her naked pics.

Added: 2019-03-24

<maldridge> then you'll fix the ownership on the other side, unless you're doing this online
<lorddrijen> well I want the files raw
<lorddrijen> no users, no perms etc
<maldridge> well, this is linux so you're going to get those anyway

Added: 2019-03-01

<maxice8[m]> i don't know docker i assume it is CMD or RUN
--> noah_h ( has joined
<Gottox> RUN
<maxice8[m]> TO THE HILLS
<noah_h> Alawys good to see when you join a channel

Added: 2019-02-26

<alanhuang> it's always a shock when a piece of code I've written functions almost perfectly on the first run
<alanhuang> and after another poke, I can amend it to say "on the specific input I happened to give"

Added: 2019-02-03

04:33 <m_wynn> "you're an idiot" says university student routing a network through a cardboard box
04:33 <maldridge> I'll have you know that cardboard box was humming along at 990mbps

Added: 2019-02-02

13:58 <Nilium> rewrite all package templates in node.js
13:58 * Nilium goes back to lunch
13:59 <maldridge> I'm surprised you didn't suggest some kind of erlang lambda
13:59 <Nilium> wait do that instead

Added: 2019-01-30

23:17 * maldridge phones in Vaelatern's terminals
23:17 <Vaelatern> huh what?
23:18 <maldridge> they were suspicious
23:18 <maldridge> the commercial said I should phone it in
23:18 <Vaelatern> Ah
23:18 * phy1729 phones in maldridge's second X server
23:18 <maldridge> yes but that actually is suspicious

Added: 2019-01-02

17:58 <phy1729> I don't know the song, so I can't help make up lyrics
17:58 <maldridge> m_wynn:
17:58 <m_wynn> no

Added: 2018-12-20

<lorddrijen> i should honestly just install a spell checker into my irc client
<lorddrijen> it seems to get worse the older i get
<maldridge> they are wroth
<maldridge> *worth
<derelict> lol
<maldridge> feel fre to noobfarm that
<maldridge> ...
<maldridge> I give up

Added: 2018-12-18

00:53 <Cogitri> Well, are the pkgs indexed in the repodata?
00:53 <Vaelatern> Cogitri: he's running on the mirror, I hope so :D
00:53 <maldridge> Cogitri: I'd hope so since this is a core mirror

There are 2270 quotes.