< acidchi1d> i hear --cheese=1
< acidchi1d> makes it go faster
< nixfreak> where would I put that though
< nixfreak> ????
< nixfreak> I'm a n00b ?
The_Apprentice> anake: murder is murder!
ananke> if i hack you up in the pieces, starting from your toes, while you're still breathing - you will have a different opinion on 'murder is murder'
< Spartako> Spartako you are the most friendly person that I have known in a long time
< Spartako> I am practicing my english skills
< Spartako> :P
< asg> Spartako: you were doing well until :P
rworkman: It doesn't really matter, ultimately. Someone is mroe than welcome to (incorrectly) think that Slax and/or Backtrack and/or Zenwalk and/or Vector and whatever are close enough to Slackware. The fact remains that *I* will not knowingly help with them.
ag3ntugly: ok so if i cut one of my feet off i guess im not human anymore cuz i dont have 4 feet? rubbish...
<The_Apprentice> anyone know if it is possible to retrive email messages from an account that is no longer active? ( closed the account)
<The_Apprentice> isp closed the account*
<phrag> just go to the magic global email archive
<The_Apprentice> magic global ?
<phrag> you know every email sent in the world is stored in a public repository, right ?
The_Apprentice> err no
The_Apprentice> phrag: you have the url?
* phrag groans
< alienBOB> YammYgirlcoding - please read the Slackware Book and
especially the installation section.... before you try again
< antler> YammYgirlcoding: you're actually quite obtuse, if you don't me
saying so.
< hitest> when you have all 3 CDs please go and read the book carefully.
The install procedure will be less troublesome then
< YammYgirlcoding> beeing obtuse means exactly like beeing what?
< YammYgirlcoding> like. is the book long? cause i have only today to
install, learn the services and be able to tell that i
'know it' :/
<masterx831> root@darkstar:~# cdrecord -isosize /home/masterx831/Microsoft.Windows.Vista.ULTIMATE.x86.SP1.Integrated.June.2008.OEM.DVD-BIE/bievsp168.iso
<LF4> hahaha
<masterx831> whats so funny
<LF4> bcmiller2,
<masterx831> whats mysql
<masterx831> :S
<ananke> masterx831 : and you expect people to help you with your warez?
<LF4> lol
<LF4> good point ananke
<masterx831> ananke: you guys are experts fine i will fid out how
<masterx831> :-(
<masterx831> brb
<ArmOrAttAk> one less window disc in the world
<masterx831> google's my best friends
<stitchman> hehe came to #slackware to burn a vista dvd
<bcmiller2> not experts at snatching and using vista ultimate
<ananke> masterx831 : pirate
<masterx831> ananke: i have to pay bills somehow
<masterx831> fine i will sell slackware for 50 bucks
<ananke> uhmm, last time i checked, freenode was against piracy
<ananke> one thing is to pirate for yourself, another is to actually profit from it
<unixfool> masterx831, you need to take that to some other channel that doesn't give a crap
<masterx831> oops i know change subject ut oyu guys are right that pirate sucks
<masterx831> might as well do my landscaping
<bcmiller2> off to steal a mower?
<LF4> haha
<unixfool> lol
<devilz> rofl
Old_Fogie: It would figure, updates for pythong and I'm almost done with gnome, hee hee, you have to luv gnu
Old_Fogie: s/pythong/python
Old_Fogie: hee hee where is my brain at.
-!- zod21 [n=braden@] has joined ##mac
< zod21> whats goin on fellas, anyone know how to compile from source in mac
< zod21> using terminal
< zod21> is it the same as in linux
< zod21> sweet
-!- zod21 [n=braden@] has quit [Client Quit]
<evanton> what is the difference of specifying a passphrase when generating a
keypair using ssh-keygen and leaving the passphrase empty?
<evanton> it is not obvious to me after reading the manpage