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Added: 2008-03-12

< blauzahl> fredrikh: always happy to give you entertainment
< fredrikh> good :)
< blauzahl> want some dancing girls? ;)
< fred> Can I have some too?
< blauzahl> fred: blog about how wonderful khtml is and you can have some
< fred> Erm...
< blauzahl> fred: is that a conflict of interest for you?
< fred> blauzahl:
< fred> Where's my dancing girls?
< fred> ¬_¬
< blauzahl> oh my. is that syndicated to planet?
< fred> Yes.
< blauzahl> that post?
< blauzahl> either way, i rotfl and *face palm*
< fred> yup
< fred> So, where's my dancing girls? :)