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Added: 2008-02-15

r3vld: thats the picture
nullboy: is that slackware?
nullboy: r3vld: what is that?
r3vld: slackware
Basho: I wondered that myself
r3vld: 12
BP{k}: that is *NOT* slackware
nullboy: that doesn't look like slackware to me
BP{k}: slackware does not use *yum-update .. whatever it is
nullboy: r3vld: can you explain this?
r3vld: its 12.0
r3vld: slackware
BP{k}: with yum?
r3vld: well i installed 12.0 slackware
nullboy: that looks like a redhat boot up
***andarius smells a rat, a fedora rat or similar :o
r3vld: no redhat
nullboy: well i'm pretty sure that isn't slackware booting
nullboy: r3vld: just tell us what you are really booting
r3vld: ok, centos peace of crap. no one helps me :( i need to get slackware
r3vld: and i thought you guys could help me with that damn error
r3vld: :(