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Added: 2007-12-27

< Alan_Hicks> kitche: Check your ping times to your default gateway.
< kitche> hmm I don't think I can ping my default gateway
< Alan_Hicks> Then how are you online? :^)
< kitche> my gateway is a router unless you mean the router in Buffalo
< Alan_Hicks> kitche: Wait.... Your ISP doesn't give you a public IP address?
< Alan_Hicks> tiny: Explain the problem.
< kitche> Alan_Hicks: it does but I m behind a router which goes to the main thing
< Alan_Hicks> kitche: I mean the main thing.
< kitche> hmm I don't know the main router actually ...
< Alan_Hicks> kitche: Just pastebin a traceroute.
< kitche> mwalling_ well actuallu
< kitche>
< Alan_Hicks> ping
< Alan_Hicks> WTF?! C:\\Documents and Settings\\HP_Administrator>
< Alan_Hicks> kitche: Shame on you!