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Added: 2007-10-26

< juano__> Zalamander: i added juanfelipe to cdrom group also
< CaptObviousman> juanfelipe!
< CaptObviousman> sounds Canadian
< nullboy> canadian? wtf
< gbonvehi> CaptObviousman: juan and felipe are spanish names..
< nullboy> CaptObviousman: you smoking crack?
< nullboy> CaptObviousman: put the bong down
< CaptObviousman> so, how long have I been polluting this channel for?
< CaptObviousman> few months now?
< juano__> CaptObviousman: not french names
< raw> for americans, everything they don\\'t know is canadian.
< CaptObviousman> and you guys still haven\\'t figured out that I\\'m nucking futs
< raw> with the exception of texas. everything texanians don\\'t know is mexican.