* CaptObviousman should probably subscribe to mailing lists to keep up to date
< Dominian> CaptObviousman: I just make sure I'm in channels with fred and cathectic and I end up hearing about them
< CaptObviousman> I can't keep adding channels to monitor. I have a hard enough time getting work done as it is
< andarius> i try to keep it down to one at work :)
< mwalling> HA
< mwalling> weekling
* mwalling tries to keep it down to 20 or so
< Dominian> I have 10 open right now
< Dominian> I had 13 at one time..
< mwalling> 15
* CaptObviousman starts opening channels so he can win the irc penis contest
< Dominian> haha
< mwalling> heh