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Added: 2014-06-16

<jolux> Hello, could somehelp please send me a password reset email?
<niko> jolux: email sent
<jolux> Thank you! It’s going in KeePass this time.
--> icesword joined
<nzerobody> jolux, what's your keepass password?
<jolux> and why would you like to know this?
<nzerobody> I'm doing a survey on password strength
<jolux> uh huh
<jolux> riiiiiight
<jolux> and i’m doing pentesting
<icesword> lol
<sveta> :)
<jolux> would you like to open this suspicious file for me?
<icesword> lmao
<jolux> i have a few zip bombs as well
<jolux> those are always fun
<icesword> wait for the ban hammer
<icesword> guys
<jolux> TL;DR I’m not that stupid. Good day.