<Shibu> i have changed the setting in Filezilla
<Shibu> still it is not getting connected
<Shibu> can u check at your end
<Shibu> it is giving me error
<Shibu> Error: Connection closed by server with exitcode 1 Error: Could not connect to server
<Shibu> what is the issue?
<Shibu> ???
<Shibu> ???
<xzr> Could not connect to server
<Shibu> please advise
<Shibu> Man....ftp is not getting connected
<Shibu> can u assist me real fast
<Shibu> it is affecting my business
<xzr> it seems that your ftp can't connect to the server
<Shibu> so what is the solution
<Shibu> how can I access it
<xzr> make it connect to the server
<Shibu> how?
<xzr> by fixing it
<Shibu> how to fix it?
<xzr> by learning how to fix it
<Shibu> where I have to change it
<xzr> in the settings
<Shibu> connect to some technical person who can assist me
<JettaJoey> ?unmanaged
<SammyTheShark> An unmanaged server (such as DigitalOcean's droplets) makes you responsible for the configuration of the server and any third party software. A managed server is where you have someone to take care of that for you.
<Shibu> how can I configure in droplets
<Shibu> assist me for that
<xzr> :D
<xzr> u funny
<Shibu> man no jokes please
<Shibu> am here for a very serious issues
<Shibu> and u r not helping me out
<Katasrophic> Open a ticket
<[joker]work> ?started
<Shibu> I opened a ticket
<Shibu> talked to them multiple times
<Shibu> still am not getting solution
<[joker]work> the problem is that this isnt a support issue
<esde> Shibu: if you are having this many issues configuring your own server. And this stuff is truly production, move it to managed for fucks sake.
<Shibu> if u guys dont provide support then better refund me..I will move to diffrent provider
<gparent> they provide support for the things they sell you, not the things you configure yourself
<esde> My point is, unmanaged = they provide the box, you make the stuff in it work. Apparently that's too much for you. Go with managed and they will support almost everything in the box too.
<Shibu> Man I have gone through all the tutorials and communities
<Katasrophic> this is not a chat full of DO’s support staff, just fyi. DO is ment for those that know these things, FTP is basic.
<Shibu> am not getting solution thats why I prefered direct chat
<[joker]work> this is NOT a support channel
<xzr> if you have gone through the tutorials then you should be able to manage your droplet
<[joker]work> and Digital Ocean is an unmanaged provider
<Shibu> I know FTP very well and using for past 5 years
<esde> go with managed Shibu they will hand hold with you, but you'll pay more for that hand holding
<Shibu> all the server config is so easy unlike yours
<xzr> :D
<Katasrophic> lol
<xzr> it's unmanaged you idiot
<Daniel0> 'very well'
<Daniel0> lol
<Shibu> ok refund me
<Shibu> thats the only solution
<Katasrophic> good luck with that
<[joker]work> open a ticket requesting a refund
<Shibu> am going to dispute in paypal
<[joker]work> no need
<xzr> :D
<Shibu> I dont want ti use this service
<[joker]work> just open a ticket requesting a refund
-*- esde laughs quietly to self
<Katasrophic> think we got a troll here guys lol
<xzr> dont worry the service doesn't want you either
<[joker]work> shots fired
<Daniel0> Shibu no need to paypal dispute or refund, Digital Ocean have provided you with the service you are paying for its you who cannot configure it correctly
-*- JettaJoey hugs is bed
<wiak> ;P
<Shibu> sorry I dont want to chat more.....u guys dont have manners and professionalism
<Shibu> using lot many abusive words
<[joker]work> i want to give you a refund
<esde> >lot many
<[joker]work> can you please just give me your email
<esde> dat engrish
<xzr> atleast we have the professionalism to be able to configure ftp
<xzr> well that is if anyone sensible would use it
<Shibu> instead of refund...can u please explain me the issue - I have created the droplets, domains, I have received the username password in email
<Shibu> but am unable to connect using that credentials
<[joker]work> give me your email
<xzr> the likely problem is you have no fucking idea what you're doing
<DarkSaint> wow
<esde> give me the root password and ip, i'll try for you Shibu. ;)
<Shibu> am using filezilla client - using given IP, user and password wth SFTP option am trying to connect
<Daniel0> lol http://imgur.com/gallery/7Rq6W
<[joker]work> Shibu what is your email at digital ocean
<Shibu> IP: 128.199.xxx.xxx
<esde> FTP = / = SFTP
<Shibu> user: root
<DarkSaint> wow wow
<Shibu> pass: nfhxxxx
<xzr> :D
<xzr> :DDDDD
<Katastrophic> xD
<esde> nice!
<DarkSaint> wtf ?
<Katastrophic> whelp..
<Katastrophic> lol
<justaguy> oh my
<Katastrophic> then that happened
<DarkSaint> please get a refund
<Shibu> u r also not able to conenct?
<DarkSaint> if you can be that naive you don't need to be here
<esde> Shibu: on a non-default ssh port?
<JettaJoey> oh god
<DarkSaint> wow
<justaguy> and this is irc history
<JettaJoey> you don't give that kind of stuff out
<DarkSaint> this is a firtst
<JettaJoey> I've seen it before
<Shibu> port 22
<Daniel0> lol
<Shibu> means?
<esde> ssh -p 22 root@122.199.xxx.xxx
<[joker]work> Shibu good luck
<esde> ^C
<JettaJoey> 603 people have your password