<+alisonken1home> http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/160950?rdf
<@MrHardwood> Title: Debian: 2861-1: file: denial of service - The Community's Center for Security (at www.linuxsecurity.com)
<+alisonken1home> wonder if this bug in /usr/bin/file affects distro's other than debian - and is it fixed upstream as well
<+Alan_Hicks> WTF?!
<+Alan_Hicks> Seriously this is fuckin' ridiculous!
<+Alan_Hicks> These panty-clad Mama's boys need their testicles to drop already and quit fuckin' calling every simple damned bug in some userland utility a vulnerability!
<+Alan_Hicks> Oooooh! I made file crash by passing it a crazy ass file with a shitty libmagic library and it just sat there and ran and ran and ran until I killed it. That's a DOS! Some body might use file on their webserver or something! This is critical! We need a CVE for it! Mommy will be so proud! Maybe she'll fondle me when we get in bed together!
No dip shit! You did something stupid and the utility didn't respond. If some other dipshit decides to do something stupid by exposing his userland utilities to the net at large, that dip shit should suffer the consequences!
<+Alan_Hicks> Get your Mama's nipple out of your mouth, wipe the colostrum off your lips, and rub both your brain cells together until you get a spark!
<+Alan_Hicks> But no, instead you've gotta show the world how 1337 you are by finding this bug, so instead of just quietly submitting a fix upstream, you gotta go out and get a CVE so the world recognizes how special and smart you are. Meanwhile your underwear is full of shit stains, wax is oozing out of your ear, and your micropenis is twisted up like a pretzel.
<+Alan_Hicks> Next time, instead of submitting a vulnerability report, learn to wipe your ass, clean the wax from your ears with a q-tip, and cut your cock off with a knife so you win the Darwin Award and actually contribute something of use to humanity!
<+Alan_Hicks> Your honor the prosecution rests.
<+Alan_Hicks> This whole thing is going on noobfarm isn't it?