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Added: 2011-08-11

<+BP{k}> ./configure --with-mozzerella=yes --with-tomatoes=yes --with-herbes && make
pizza-all && make install DESTDIR=/dev/stomach
<+dive> noms
<+Olfway> heh
<+raela> mmm pizza
< Dominian> hrm can install directly to a dev like that BP{k}
< Dominian> mount -t stomachacid /dev/stomach /mnt/stomach
< Dominian> make install DESTDIR=/mnt/stomach
< Dominian> Just becareful when you 'unmount'..
< Dominian> that's usually when /dev/toilet comes int o play
<+dive> dd if=/mnt/lowerintestine of=/brighton/beach
<+BP{k}> Dominian: well you definately don't want to use umount -f