< Ovron> I only have bagged lipton tea, as I am not a large tea consumer. Coffee on the other side... I even have an espresso maker in my office since the one in the lounge is crap.
<@pparadis> Ovron: would you say that you're interested in tag bags?
< Ovron> pparadis: I am not sure I want to answer that question, please clarify :p
<@pparadis> well, sir, i have a special technique involving a tea bag that you might be keenly interested in.
<@pparadis> it is a family recipe.
< Ovron> Let us hear about it.
<@pparadis> it's all organic, i assure you.
< Ovron> I am a bit worried what this entails now
<@pparadis> it would be better if i demonstrated the technique in person, so that you may fully appreciate it. i shall reserve a room at a nice hotel in AC for this very purpose.
< Ovron> I do not like the sound of this :(
<@pparadis> it will be quite educational, i assure you! no need to fear the unkown, as i am a nice guy.
< Ovron> pparadis: I think you should perform this demonstration on jed or any other close-by person, record it, and youtube it.
<@pparadis> but dear sir, i have modified my instructions in accordance with adjustments i deemed necessary from my viewing of footage from that crack in the ceiling above your shower. i have already tailored the lesson to your specific needs!
* Ovron feels stalked
<@pparadis> no no no you're a star!
<@Perihelion> .
<@Perihelion> YOU
<@Perihelion> ARE MY
<@Perihelion> SHININ STAR
< Ovron> yay