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Added: 2010-09-16

< Crenn-NAS> 2.8v? It can't tolerate 3.3v?
< ghostfish> Crenn-NAS: it might, but it's not rated for it, and it's a $100-150 part, do you want to risk it?
< ghostfish> when you can use a pair of resistors to make it safe?
< ghostfish> 10 cents
< ghostfish> 4 solder joints
< Crenn-NAS> ghostfish: To me resistors are so hackish
< dr_jkl> ...
< dr_jkl> i can't believe i just saw that.
< slide> lol
< ghostfish> Crenn-NAS: resistors are, erm, one of the fundamental components of electronics?
< ghostfish> fundamental 4 components