< pigdude> RickRaven: I mean, setting up a standard Ubuntu LAMP stack is super-easy and doesn't put stuff in weird non-standard places like /srv
< pigdude> RickRaven: most of what you need is in the first page or two here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP
< pigdude> RickRaven: their docs are pretty nice
< Karrde> /srv is a standard btw: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html
<@pparadis> pigdude: /srv is not a weird and non-standard place to put things
< Karrde> -1 pparadis, slow
<@pparadis> haha
< pigdude> I stand corrected. I guess I'm just averse to creating new directories in /
* pigdude roots about
<@pparadis> pigdude: /srv exists by default
< RickRaven> how do you do these *** asterisks
< pigdude> pparadis: not on bsd
< RickRaven> pparadis, so what would you suggest, i deployed with stacks and there is an ugly directory under www like li184-60.members... i dont like it what should i do? reinstall from the beginning or change the config?
<@pparadis> pigdude: we don't provide BSD servers