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Added: 2009-11-29

:::: You're now known as init[1]
:::: s0d0!n=(hostmask removed) has joined ##slackware
< tank-man> is the [0] index your way of saying you are away? :)
< tank-man> i think there is a channel rule about that
< Pig_Pen> i could change my nick to Pig_Pen_Away and i wont get in trouble, what is against the rules in that autoaway feature that some irc clients have
< mancha> Pigpen, try it
:::: Pig_Pen is now known as Pig_Pen_Away
:::: mode/##Slackware: +b *away!*@* by slackboy
:::: slackboy kicked Pig_Pen_Away from ##slackware and said: Banned: please turn off your auto-away functionality on your client when frequenting this channel...same thing for if you've manually set
yourself to 'away'. The channel doesn't need to know and you can always SILENTLY set your mode to 'away'.
< BP{k}> mancha++ ;)
< init[1]> lol
< mancha> morning fun :P
:::: Apok!n=element@(ip removed) has joined ##slackware
< thrice`> kids these days :)
:::: Pig_Pen!n=anyuser@(ip removed) has joined ##slackware
< BP{k}> Pig_Pen: Uhm, and you were saying?