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Added: 2009-10-08

<mrselfpwn> I don't understand why a login manager even has a daemon mode.
<spook> xdmcp or whatever its called
<spook> for seperating the server and client components of x
<mrselfpwn> spook, kind of like pty?
<mrselfpwn> and tty
<spook> mrselfpwn: uh... no.
<spook> for connecting to the x client and logging in over the network
<mrselfpwn> oh i understand
<spook> yeah.
<spook> x is counter intuitive, the part with the graphical interface is the server.
* metrofox (n=metrofox@ зашел на канал ##slackware
<metrofox> hi there!
<spook> metrofox: hey!
<mrselfpwn> metrofox: hello
<metrofox> yo spook & mrselfpwn
<metrofox> what's going on guys? =)
<mrselfpwn> we were talking about you behind your back.
<metrofox> :O that's an interesting topic...
<mrselfpwn> ;D
<metrofox> :P
<mrselfpwn> actually i was just telling spook how x client works to log in over the network.
<spook> loooooool.
<mrselfpwn> XD
<mrselfpwn> that conversation was counter intuitive spook. ;)