( Schroede1) I feel Pat sold out again like he did the time he bumped Slack three or four major versions all of a sudden
( Schroede1) so it looks like now we're at Slackware version 130,000 instead of version 13
( alphageek) Schroede1: re 'I feel Pat sold out again'. I mean this with the utmost politeness, but you're cordially to fuck off & die. just sayin'
( Schroede1) ...
( Schroede1) no need to be a jackass
( Schroede1) especially over a joke
( alphageek) I was merely responding to your opinion with one of my own
>>> Mode #slackware +o alphageek by ChanServ
<<< Kick for Schroede1 by alphageek from #slackware [this is me being a jackass. learn the difference]
>>> Mode #slackware +b *!*@*.<hostname removed> by alphageek
(@alphageek) I'll give it a few minutes to get the point across :)
( BP{k}) *snickers*
( rworkman) haha