* macavity has joined ##slackware
<macavity> lo and behold... macavity is not dead :-)
<slackytude> damn
<macavity> :P
<slackytude> I need to get my money back
<slackytude> you dont find decent assassins anymore
<slackytude> macavity, how did you escape?
<macavity> slackytude: he was crunchy and good with ketchup :P
<Necos> damn
<Necos> slackytude: you suck at hiring assassins
<slackytude> macavity, did you happen to notice a small bag of gold coin per chance?
<slackytude> macavity, I want it back
<slackytude> Necos, looks like it
<macavity> slackytude: i spent it on a special service comming to your bedroom in the near future ;-)
<Necos> lol
<slackytude> macavity, thanks, I shall be looking forward to it
<Necos> lol
<Necos> i just thought of something...
<Necos> ninja chipmunks
<slackytude> O_o
<macavity> slackytude: he is eight feet tall, and rumour has it that he takes pleasure *before* the killing ;-)
<slackytude> macavity, he shall be destroyed by my topless amazon bodyguards
<macavity> ohhh... i can haz copy?
<slackytude> as shall all who dare to oppose me
<Necos> slackytude: dude, did you borrow my amazon clan again?
<slackytude> Necos, I left you a note. kthx, bye
<Necos> goddamnit!
<slackytude> macavity, probably not right now
<macavity> ill clean it before i give it back? :P
<slackytude> macavity, what wll your gf say?
<amazon10x_> <_<
<macavity> slackytude: she is watching over my shoulder atm, and laughing
<slackytude> lol
* slackytude waves
<Necos> well...
* Necos notes that he has sent ninja chipmunks
<slackytude> Necos, they shall be , oh wait
<macavity> * GF waves back to slackytude
<slackytude> ^-^
<slackytude> we shall meet again, mylady, as soon as my assassin is successful
<slackytude> none shall stand between our love
<macavity> LOL
<Necos> >.>
<macavity> slackytude: she is *almost* flattered ;-)
<slackytude> I'll put that down as a yes then