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Added: 2009-05-02

Alexander [retro]: unlike other creatures, The Alexander can breed with anything and anyone
[retro]: Alexander stars with absalom
Absalomi Hill <retro>: even field mice?
[retro]: Xelder hides his dogs
Alexander [retro]: Field mice, radioactive material. Whatever
Absalomi Hill <retro>: I bet you can't breed with the moon
Xelder [retro]: that mean ur penis glows!?
Alexander [retro]: don't tempt me
Absalomi Hill <retro>: first problem is how to get there to prove me wrong
Alexander [retro]: getting to the moon is the easy.
Reklaw {retro}: anti-matter!
Alexander [retro]: it's getting in her pants that's the problem
Firit {retro}: She's a big girl, she can hold a lot of liquor