< Choi> i was just wondering if it were easier to use the partition manager there
< tank-man> well, depends on if you are the type of person that likes to rinse and repeat and repeat
< nullboy> and repeat and repeat
< tank-man> no harm done tho
< straterra> i repeat a lot
< nullboy> what?
< Choi> ok, i see
< straterra> shampoo
< nullboy> lol
< Choi> lol
< straterra> I repeat a lot
< straterra> I'm quite OCD about my shampoo
< straterra> I have like three different kinds
< straterra> and use them like 4 times each
< nullboy> straterra: you metro boy you!
< straterra> I..am not metro
< nullboy> haha
< straterra> nullboy: http://www.fuhell.com/bra/
< nullboy> oh lord
< straterra> CLICK IT
< nullboy> i...feel...vio....lated....
< straterra> That is me with some rum...a lot of rum
< straterra> But..do I look metro?
< nullboy> yeah, definitely not metro
< macavity> MY EYES! MY EYYYEEESSSS!!!1
< straterra> You've been StratRolled...bitch
< nullboy> haha
< macavity> straterra: who is that nasty mongoloid perverted motherfucker?!?
< straterra> Me.
< nullboy> lmao