< straterra> hotel room is setup
< straterra> candles in place..
< straterra> roses in place
< straterra> hot tub ready...
< straterra> female enroute
< straterra> giggity giggity goo
< fred> Camera ready?
< fred> behind the one-way mirror?
< straterra> of course
< straterra> live internet feed
< fred> link?
< BP{k}> condoms pre-pierced?
< straterra> yup
< BP{k}> rohypnol mixed in her drink?
< straterra> 2 dozen holes per condom
< straterra> i have chloroform in the roses
< BP{k}> going for the classic route then.. ;)
< straterra> of course
< straterra> fridge is booked with various alcohol
< BP{k}> did you do a soundcheck?
< straterra> yup
< straterra> walls are soundproof
< straterra> if no one hears her say no...
< straterra> \\O/
< fred> I hope the mirror isn't soundproof.
< straterra> yes..but i have a dozen mics in the room
< straterra> 7 are active at any given time
< straterra> 8 channel audio :)
< jkwood> So she has actually met you before, right?
< straterra> of course
< jkwood> In real life?
< straterra> yes
< fred> Not second life?
< straterra> correct
< fred> <ut:voice> HOLY SHIT </ut:voice>
< straterra> thats what the condoms for
< straterra> i got body massage oils too