<DenNOLA> Hey there. I just managed to install a Picasa Slackbuild for the first time. Wanted to say thanks and ask if there's a way to donate. You guys shouldn't work for free.
<rworkman> DenNOLA: good to hear; we'd prefer any donations go to Slackware.
<XGizzmo_> we accept free trips to warm places also :P
<rworkman> We're all dedicated Slackware users, and a few of us are on the Slackware team.
<DenNOLA> Will do. I'm so in love with this OS. Want to do anything I can to help out.
<rworkman> :)
<DenNOLA> So uh, thanks guys...and good vibes from dennis in New Orelans.
* DenNOLA has quit (Client Quit)
* renew (n=renew@c-71-198-127-4.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #slackbuilds
<bkUp> Nice bloke.
<BP{k}> rworkman: we should have a donate beer button somewhere;)
<rworkman> I agree.
<rworkman> bkUp: yeah, it's good to see that every now and then :)
<rworkman> BP{k}: we can even put up a page with our preferences. Mine is one from bkUp's country :)
<bkUp> Sounds like a plan. :)
<BP{k}> rworkman: http://michielvwessem.wordpress.com/booze/ ;)
<BP{k}> (although I need to update it with shots of the various beers I have recently consumed. :)
<kethry> (but when he does, don't go thinking he's an alcoholic.. he's just WAY overdue in posting them... lol)
<BP{k}> thanks dear .. go do something .. uhm .. else :P
<rworkman> haha
<kethry> :P
<bkUp> oh dear