< lw0x15> stybla: got the pics :]
< stybla> lw0x15: where? :)
< lw0x15> stybla: ill pm ya, alrite?
< stybla> lw0x15: oki
< FriedBob> Are these pictures or pictures? If they are just pictures, then via PM is fine. But if they are pictures, then you better share. ;P
< lw0x15> pictures of my area (:
< lw0x15> while still in snow
< spook> i read that as pictures of my arse
< lw0x15> pff spook
* lw0x15 doesn't live in spooks arse
< FriedBob> lw0x15: Rumor has it is very roomy.
< Rat409> lmao
< spook> lol